What are USTA Leagues?
USTA Leagues (United States Tennis Association) are the country's largest adult competitive tennis league for players of all skill levels. That is organized into three age groups - 18 & over, 40 & over, and 55 & over.
It's a great way to stay active, improve your game, and meet other players in your area.
How to Play in Leagues at East Hartford Tennis Club
We offer a wide variety of USTA Leagues at East Hartford Tennis Club. The USTA Leagues are separated by rating and singles and doubles.
How do USTA Leagues Ratings Work?
Adult standings and rankings are
based on results from the best
six tournaments for each player
during the past 12 months.
A player may have played more
than six tournaments;
however, only the results
from the six best tournaments
will count for rankings
and standings.
According to the United States Tennis Association,
"A Self Rating is an NTRP
entry-level rating generated
upon a new player or
a player re-entering the
USTA League Adult Division
with a M (Mixed) or T (Tournament) rating,
after completing the USTA Self-Rate Questionnaire."
To participate in USTA League,
all players must have a valid Computer Rating or Self-Rating. The USTA Questionnaire is available on Tennislink.
When can I start?
Call or stop in at the East Hartford Tennis Club.
- Fall Session- September 9th - December 21st
- Winter Session- January 6th - March 29th
- Spring Session- March 31st - May 22nd